Intensive Ashtanga Yoga Workshop
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Intensive Ashtanga Yoga Workshop
Life is all about learning something new. When it comes to yoga every one of us is a beginner. Regardless of our yoga journey’s experience and flexibility level of our body, there is always a scope for learning.
This intensive Ashtanga yoga workshop of 2 days is for participants who are eager to explore ashtanga primary series in details.
This Ashtanga Yoga Workshop is for those participants who have attended our previous 2.5 hours beginners’ ashtanga workshops.
Intermediate and experienced level practitioners are also invited to this yoga workshop. Participants can learn and explore traditional ashtanga vinyasa yoga in all possible details.
Typical Schedule for Intensive Ashtanga Yoga Workshop
Timings: 10 AM – 12:30 PM
- Introduction To Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
- Concepts and Philosophy of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
- Different Elements of Ashtanga Vinyasa.
- Discover and learn Ashtanga Yoga lineage, known as the Tristana method. Spiritual marriage of pranayama, asana, and Drishti.
- Opening and closing Mantra Chanting /Understanding the Essence of these Mantras.
- Learning the magic of breath. (Yogic Breathing/ujjayi pranayama). Incorporation of ujjayi breathing with yogic breathing in ashtanga vinyasa yoga.
- Exploration and practice of Shoulder Openers/Hip Opener.
- Lunch and Rest

Timings: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
- Lunch and Rest
Timings: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Intensive Ashtanga Yoga – Guided 2-hour Primary Series Led-class:
The practical led class will begin with a detailed exploration of the Surya Namaskar A & B. we will explain modifications and alignments of Surya namaskar to participants.
Further leading to the led class of ashtanga primary series. Starting from warm-up ( Surya namaskar), further leading to standing, seated and finishing sequence.
we will provide yoga props and modifications for each posture. So that it is suitable for beginners. We expect you to participate with complete enthusiasm so that you work hard, sweat and feel relaxed and energized by the end of the class.
Timings: 10 AM – 12:30 PM
- Science Of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
- Structure of the “Primary Series” of Ashtanga Yoga.
- Energetic Alignment in Ashtanga Yoga.
- Modifications/ Common Mistakes/ Prop Use.
- Self-alignment tips.
- Advice for safe practice.
Timings: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
- Lunch and Rest
Timings: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Intensive Ashtanga Yoga – Guided 2-hour Primary Series Led-class:
Practical led class with modification and alignments.
Aim of this intensive Ashtanga yoga workshop
- Learning the principles of ashtanga yoga.
- Exploration of complete primary series of ashtanga yoga.
- Learning the art of alignment of postures.
- Tips for self-improvement.
- Detoxification of body
- Develops Strong, light & flexible body
- Mental peace & clarity leading to self-awareness.
Yoga Chaitanya International Institute is one of the leading Yoga Teacher Training schools in India. Our unique courses and programs give a transformational life-changing experience.
Our yoga training in India will give you a unique opportunity for self-discovery, and personal growth. If you want to experience the flavor of real joy, peace, contentment & silence, then Yoga Chaitanya is the place.
Join our 200 Hour Ashtanga Vinyasa & Yin Yoga Teacher Training program. This YTTC will teach you how to balance the Yin and Yang energies and establish equality, a balance in all aspects of life.