Beat the Summer Heat with 7 Ultimate Techniques
Written By: Sukhvinder-chaitanya
- Published On:
- Last Updated: December 5, 2024
Bright Light, Fire, Heat, sweat, heat strokes, power cuts, and a lot of anger & irritation. It’s summertime!
Summers have arrived and it’s the peak time of the summer season. I know it’s not an easy time of the year typically if you are situated in the plains or close to the equator. In this blog, I will reveal some easy tips to beat the heat and it will help you stay cool and relaxed in the hot & fiery summer season.
This is the most comprehensive guide to How to beat the summer heat ever. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about the tips to beat the heat. This ultimate guide to ultimate tips to beat the summer heat will provide you with in-depth knowledge of the topic. Here you will learn:
- Drinks to beat the heat and stay cool and hydrated
- Diet to beat the summer heat
- Lifestyle Choices that Help to Beat the Summer Heat
- Summer Yoga Sequences to Beat the Heat
- Breathing Exercises to stay cool
- Yoga Mudras to beat the heat and stay cool and relaxed
- Things you should not do in the Summer Season
All these are recommended by Yogic & Ayurvedic scriptures. This is the most complete guide available on the internet. Let’s dive right in…
Table of Contents
We can achieve a state of balance throughout the year by making a conscious effort to live in harmony with the cycles of nature and by regularly adjusting our lifestyle and habits to accommodate the arrival of each new season.
Summer is the pitta time of year when pitta dosha i.e. the combination of fire and water elements, rules. In hot temperatures, pitta can get out of balance, leading to excess heat, skin issues, indigestion, nausea, and frustration.
During the summertime, human bodies naturally demand light foods and small meals that are easy to digest because the Agni i.e. digestive fire disperses to keep us cool. Here are the tips that you should implement in the summer season. The first and most important point is STAY HYDRATED.
Summer Season Drinks to Beat the Heat
Summer’s intense heat absorbs moisture from plants, the earth, and our bodies. So it’s important to drink plenty of water to compensate for sweating and to prevent dehydration & fatigue.
Make sure you drink at least 1.5 – 2 liters of water every day. Don’t drink refrigerated cold water or icy cold water this can increase pitta & digestion issues. You should drink water from the matka or Ghada or Surahi i.e. Natural clay pot. Claypots are natural water refrigerators that cool the water & also purify it. Further, it adds natural minerals to the water & maintains the proper pH of the water.
You can also use portable Clay water bottles, Keep them on your office or home desk, and drink water regularly. Always drink water sip by sip. The second drink for cooling & staying hydrated is..
Coconut Water
Coconut water or ‘naariyal paani’ is a popular beverage in many parts of India and the world. With a rising temperature and raging heat waves, coconut water acts as a refreshing and energizing drink.
Coconut water is loaded with several important nutrients, such as minerals, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and anti-oxidants. Next on the list is ..
Aam Panna
Aam Panna is a refreshing popular summer drink across India. It is made using green raw mangoes. The taste of Aam Panna is sweet, tangy, and an explosion of beautiful flavors of herbs & spices.
It is made with green mango pulp, Water, jaggery, black salt, Fennel seeds, Ginger, Mint leaves, Cumin seeds, Cardamom, and Black pepper.
Aam Panna is a natural coolant. It protects from intense heat and dehydration, boosts energy levels, aids digestion, boosts immunity, and it is a rich source of vitamin A, E, C, and folate. Next on the list is …
Nimbu Pudina Sherbet (Mint Lemonade)
Mint Lemonade is a refreshing combination of lemonade and the cooling mint. The recipe for Nimbu Pudina Sherbet is very simple. Squeeze a lemon in water and then add crushed mint leaves, honey or jaggery, and black salt to it. Next on the list is..
Lassi or buttermilk is a cooling, refreshing, probiotic drink perfect for the hot summer season. It is popular in North India, there are many variations available but the popular ones are sweet lassi & salty lassi.
Sweet lassi is prepared by adding water, sugar, or jaggery to the curd and salty lassi i.e. chaas is prepared by adding black salt, jeera powder ie cumin powder, & water to the curd.
Ayurveda recommends lassi as a great summer drink because it has miraculous powers. Lassi hydrates the body, maintains electrolyte balance, increases energy levels, & Builds stronger bones. Next option is ..
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A Mango shake is the perfect way to cool down during hot summers. Mango shake is prepared with ripe mangoes, milk, water, and sugar or jaggery. Since mangoes have heating properties i.e. hot taseer ( nature).
It’s better to keep mangoes dipped in cold water for a few hours before consuming them. Make sure you take 70% milk & 30% water for making mango shakes. Next on the list is…
Watermelon Juice
During the hot brutal summers, there’s nothing like Watermelon Juice to cool and refresh your body while quenching your thirst.
A Juicy watermelon contains 92% water, so it hydrates the body. Watermelon Juice is loaded with Vitamins A, B6, and C which improves skin quality. It contains natural sugar that provides instant energy to the body.
After discussing drinks less talk about something which is very important and must be included in your diet or drinks in the summer season and it is Gond Katira

Gond Katira
Gond Katira is a crystalline herb also known as Tragacanth gum. Gond Katira is a viscous, odorless, tasteless, water-soluble mixture. It changes from a crystalline structure to a gel when it is soaked in water. Since Gond Katira is tasteless and odorless you can mix it in any beverage or dish to get its powerful benefits.
You can mix water-absorbed Gond Katira in mango shake, watermelon juice, lemon juice, lassi, etc or you can add it to curd or raita. Use your creativity.
Gond Katira has cooling properties it is best for hot summers or if someone wants to balance the pitta dosha. It has numerous benefits which need to be explained in a separate blog. Now Let’s focus on food items that you must include in your diet.
Summer Season Diet to Beat the Heat
Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables easily available in the season this will help you manage the heat.
- Include vegetables like cucumber, sweet potato, Cauliflower celery, Broccoli, Green Beans, Okra, Zucchini, green leafy vegetables, and cabbage in your diet.
- Consume fruits like watermelon, musk melon, oranges, peaches, plums, mangoes, grapes, pears, avocado, Coconut, Cranberries, Limes, Pears, Pineapples, Pomegranates, Prunes, and berries.
- You can also consume dry fruits but make sure they are water-soaked for at least one night.
- Include Dahi i.e. curd in your diet.
- Grains that should be consumed in the hot summer season are Rice, Wheat, and Barley.
- If you are a non-vegetarian then you can eat fish, white meat from poultry & avoided red meat.
- Since spices play a vital role in cooking so they should be chosen carefully as per the season and time.
- In the hot pitta season, you should include spices like cardamom, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, fresh ginger in small amounts, turmeric, and saffron in food items.
- You can use coconut oil, ghee, olive oil, and sunflower oil for cooking.
Since I have covered the drinks and food items now is time to talk about the lifestyle choices for the hot summers.
Summer Season Lifestyle Choices to Beat the Heat
Abhyanga Sequence (Self-body massage)
Before taking a bath, massage your body with pitta-soothing oil, like Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil to calm the nervous system and cool the body. You can do Abhyanga i.e. Self-body massage on alternated days. In case if don’t want to do Abhyanga i.e Self-body massage then you can opt for Mud Therapy.
Mud Therapy
In India, mud therapy falls under Naturopathy, as it employs one of the Five Elements or Panchmahabhutas ie Fire, Air, space, earth & water. Mud therapy utilizes Earth as its main healing ingredient. Mud absorbs, and eliminates toxins from the skin’s surface, opens the pores, and improves blood circulation. It rejuvenates the body and has a soothing effect on the skin.
As per the Ayurvedic texts, mud draws out heat and excess pitta through the skin. Ayurveda highly suggests the use of Multani mitti by all three doshas.
Multani mitti is Enriched with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it helps soothe inflamed skin and redness. Multani Mitti acts as a cooling agent and can be used to soothe rashes, sunburns, and active acne.
Exercise plays a vital role in maintaining health & immunity but in hot summers the approach towards it must be changed.
Exercise regularly during the summer seasons because it helps to release heat & toxins from the body through perspiration. The best time for physical exercise during the summer season is in the morning.

Summer Yoga Sequence
Yoga asanas should be practiced regularly. Practice yoga asana at a moderate or slow pace. Make sure your yoga practice is gentle, fluid, and graceful, with slow & stable breathing.
Check yourself with inner awareness to ensure that you’re not straining yourself in the asana practice. Focus on creating a sense of grounding and a flow in asana practice.
Our navel center i.e. Manipura chakra or solar plexus tends to hold heat, Agni, or fire, since it is a powerhouse of the body. Practice those asanas that massage, strengthen, and grounds the abdominal region. Try to include the following asanas in your summer yoga sequence. You can do yoga asanas like:
- Bhujangasana the Cobra pose
- Marjariasana the Cat/cow pose
- Navasana the Boat pose
- Trikonasana the triangle pose
- Twisting poses
- Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)
- Marichyasana C
- Meru Wakrasana (Spinal twist)
Also include relaxing & cooling asanas like balasana the Child’s Pose, Shashankasana the moon pose, or the hare pose. Make sure you close your yoga practice with Savasana i.e. Corpse Pose to get the grounding effect.
Reduce the practice of Yang styles of yoga i.e. vinyasa flow, ashtanga vinyasa & hot yoga. Try to add more yin & restorative styles of yoga sequences to your schedule.
If you want to learn all the details about all the different styles of yoga i.e. vinyasa flow, ashtanga vinyasa, hot yoga, Kundalini yoga, yin yoga, Iyengar yoga and you want to know which style of yoga is for you then read our blog Types of Yoga – Ultimate Guide for Beginners / Advance Practitioners.
Yoga practice is incomplete without pranayamas, so let’s talk about pranayamas that should you should practice in the summer season to beat the heat.

Pranayamas to Beat the Heat
Sheetkari Pranayama (Hissing breath)
First Pranayama is Sheetkari Pranayama which is also known as Hissing breath. To practice Sheetkari Pranayama sit in any comfortable posture with a straight spine.
Now slowly close your eyes and relax your whole body. Now move your teeth together gently pressing each other. Separate your lips, exposing the teeth. You can keep your tongue flat or you can fold it to touch the soft palate. Choose whichever is comfortable.
Now slowly Inhale through the teeth filling your lungs completely. Close your mouth after the end of inhalation. Exhale slowly through the nose in a controlled manner. This is one round.
Practice 10-15 rounds of Sheetkari Pranayama. Make sure when you are inhaling through your mouth focus on the hissing sound and the cooling sensation of the breath.
In case you have sensitive teeth, missing teeth, or dentures then you should practice Sheetali Pranayama instead of Sheetkari Pranayama. Sheetali Pranayama is also known as Cooling breath.
Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling breath)
To practice Sheetali Pranayama sit in any comfortable posture with a straight spine. Now slowly close your eyes and relax your whole body. Now Extend your tongue outside the mouth as far as possible without strain.
Then comes the interesting part. Roll the sides of the tongue to make it a tube. Now inhale deeply & slowly through the rolled tongue filling your lungs. After inhalation is complete, move your tongue in, close your mouth, and exhale slowly through the nose. This is one round. Practice 10-15 rounds of Sheetali Pranayama.
Make sure when you are inhaling through your folded tongue focus on the sound of suction and the cooling sensation of the breath. While practicing Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama you have to incorporate Yogic breathing i.e. you have to implement the combination of abdominal breathing, chest breathing then clavicular breathing.
People struggling with low blood pressure or respiratory disorders such as asthma, bronchitis, and excessive mucous, should avoid Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama. Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama should not be practiced in a polluted atmosphere or in excessively cold weather.
Now let us talk about the few yoga mudras that should be done in the summer season to beat the summer heat.
Yoga Mudras to Beat the Heat
Kaki Mudra
Kaki Mudra is known as the crow’s beak. To practice Kakimudra, sit in any comfortable posture with a straight spine. Back of hands resting on the knees in Gyan mudra. Now Close your eyes and relax your whole body.
Open the eyes and perform Nasikagra Drishti i.e. focus on the tip of the nose with both eyes. Now create a beak-like shape with your lips. keeping your tongue relaxed. Inhale slowly and deeply through the beak-shaped lips filling your lungs. After the inhalation, close your lips and exhale slowly through the nose. Practice this mudra for 3 to 5 minutes.
Kaki mudra should not be practiced in a polluted atmosphere or excessively cold weather because the natural filtering and air-conditioning function of the nose is bypassed in this practice. Do not strain your eyes.
People suffering from depression, glaucoma, blood pressure should not practice this mudra. Next on the list is ..
Indra Mudra
To Practice Indra mudra, sit in any comfortable posture with a straight back. Now join the tips of your little finger with the thumb to form Indra mudra, and keep the other three fingers straight. Place the back of the hand on the knees, you can meditate in this mudra or practice any pranayamas.
If you want to know each & every detail of Indra mudras like its benefits, contraindication, and time duration for practice. Please read our blog on Best Guide for Tattva Yoga Mudras.
I have explained all the do’s for the hot weather. Now it’s time to talk about the don’ts i.e. the things you should not do in the summer season or hot weather.
Things you should not do in the Summer Season
Don'ts for Summer beating the Heat
Below mentioned activities or habits will create heat in the body, it is better to avoid these during the extreme summer season.
- Don’t consume Refrigerated food and drinks since they trigger pitta thus producing heat in the body. which can further lead to acidity and heartburn.
- Avoid foods that produce heat within the body like spicy, oily, and fried foods.
- Avoid drinks like coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks. since they contain acids, and caffeine, which cause dehydration.
- Heavy Solid foods should be avoided since they are difficult to digest.
- Avoid excessive sexual activity, because it provokes pitta and depletes energy and ojas of the body. So indulge moderately in sex during the summer months.
- Avoid exposure to sun and wind.
- Avoid too intense exercises and exertion.

Frequently Asked Questions about tips to beat summer heat
Can drinking cold beverages help beat the summer heat?
Cold beverages can provide temporary relief, but it’s essential to focus on staying hydrated rather than relying solely on cold drinks. Don’t drink refrigerated cold water or icy cold water this can increase pitta & digestion issues. You should drink water from the matka or Ghada or Surahi i.e. Natural clay pot.
Are there any specific foods I should avoid during summer?
Yes, it’s advisable to avoid spicy and heavily processed foods during summer as they can increase body heat and make you feel uncomfortable. Refer food items mentioned above.
Can applying sunscreen protect me from the summer heat?
Sunscreen primarily protects your skin from harmful UV rays. While it doesn’t directly beat the heat, it prevents sunburn and keeps your skin healthy.
With these 7 ultimate techniques, you can conquer the summer heat and enjoy the season without feeling drained. Remember to stay hydrated, dress appropriately, and create shade wherever you go. Embrace.
I hope you liked this post. Now I will like to hear from you. What did you think of today’s post? Or maybe if you have a question about tips to beat the heat. Let me know by leaving a comment below.
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About the Author: Sukhvinder Singh Chaitanya
Sukhvinder Singh (Chaitanya) is an experienced yoga teacher. (ERYT-500 & YACEP with 20,000+ hours of teaching experience) He is a master yoga teacher in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Ayurveda & Laughter Yoga. He has been teaching yoga, laughter yoga & meditation all across the globe in teacher training programs, workshops & corporate sector for almost 10 years. He's the founder and director of the Yoga Chaitanya International Institute, a leading Yoga Teacher Training school in the world. He shares his expertise in his blogs and his YouTube Channels.