Kubera Mudra the Ultimate Guide to Wealth and Prosperity
Written By: Sukhvinder-chaitanya
- Published On:
- Last Updated: December 5, 2024
Are you struggling with financial issues and you are looking for a way to attract wealth and prosperity, and abundance into your life?
Are you struggling with sinus & phlegm issues?
Do you want to increase your physical and mental power?
This is the most comprehensive guide to Kubera Mudra for Wealth, prosperity, and abundance ever. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about the practice and implementation of Kubera mudra for wealth manifestation in daily life.
By regular practice of Kubera mudras, many people have healed their physical, mental, emotional problems, and financial problems. Kubera mudra helps you to enhance the quality of your life.
As a beginner or an advanced yoga practitioner, you may have questions or difficulties implementing Kuber mudra. This ultimate guide to Kubera Mudra for Wealth, prosperity, and abundance will provide you with in-depth knowledge of the topic. Here you will learn:
- What is Kubera Mudra?
- Origins of Kuber Mudra
- The Significance of Kuber Mudra in Hindu Mythology
- Understanding the Kubera Mudra
- How Does Kubera Mudra Work?
- How to Practice Kubera Mudra?
- Benefits of Practicing Kubera Mudra
- How long to practice Kubera mudra?
- When is a good time to practice Kubera mudra?
- Precautions & Contraindications of Kubera Mudra
- When to avoid Kuber Mudra
- Safety guidelines of Kubera Mudra
- Limitations of Kubera Mudra
- Incorporating Kubera Mudra into Your Daily Practice
- Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Kubera Mudra
This is the most complete guide available on the internet. Let’s dive right in….
Table of Contents
What is Kubera Mudra?
Kubera mudra is a Sanskrit term that translates into “Gesture of Kubera”.
The Sanskrit word Kubera mudra is a combination of two words “Kubera” & “Mudra.” Kubera is the Hindu god of wealth and prosperity, and mudra means gesture. This hand gesture is said to bring abundance and financial stability to those who practice it.
By performing this mudra, practitioners can tap into the energies of wealth and prosperity, unlocking the doors to abundance and financial stability. Many practioners consider Kuber mudra as “Mudra for Wealth” or “Money Mudra” or “Mudra for Manifestation”.
Origins of Kuber Mudra
Kubera mudra has its roots in ancient Hindu and Buddhist cultures. Kubera mudra was a significant tool for meditation and manifestation. It helps to focus the mind and cultivate positive energy, which in turn could attract abundance and prosperity into one’s life. Over time, the practice of Kubera mudra spread to other parts of the world, and it is now a common practice in yoga and meditation communities.
Significance of Kuber Mudra in Hindu Mythology
Hindu mythology is full of stories of gods and goddesses who control the forces of nature and bestow blessings upon their followers. Kubera, the god of wealth and prosperity, is one of the most respected deities in Hindu mythology. This god is believed to be the treasurer of the gods and the guardian of wealth and riches.
Understanding the Kubera Mudra
Kubera Mudra is a combination of three yoga mudras, and these are Vyan Mudra, Surya Mudra, and Varun mudra. Kubera mudra gives combined benefits of Vyan Mudra, Surya Mudra, and Varun mudra by working on all the 5 elements.
How Does Kubera Mudra Work?
The Kuber Mudra works by channeling the energy of wealth and prosperity from the universe into the practitioner.
By holding your hand in a specific position, that is Kubera mudra stimulates the root chakra (Mooladhara Chakra). This promotes a sense of stability, grounding, and security leading to a positive mindset.
By performing this kuber mudra, you align your energy with the energy of abundance, creating a positive flow of wealth and prosperity into your life.
How to Practice Kubera Mudra?
To practice, Kubera Mudra, sit in any comfortable posture like any cross-legged posture like sukhasana, Ardhapadmasana, Siddhasana, or swastikasana.
You can also sit in Vajrasana (Adamantine Pose / Thunderbolt pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose) with a straight spine.
You can take a cushion or yoga block to elevate your hips slightly. This will help you keep your spine straight.
In case you cannot sit in any of these postures then simply sit on the chair with a straight spine. Prefer which is comfortable for you.
Now fold your little finger and ring finger together and place them at the base of the thumb now join the tip of the index finger and the middle finger with the tip of the thumb.
Now place the back of your hands on the knees & meditate or chant any mantra in this posture for 10-15 minutes.

Benefits of Practicing Kubera Mudra
What are the Benefits of Kubera Mudra?
Increases Wealth and Prosperity:
The regular practice of Kubera mudra taps into the energy of abundance and attracts wealth & prosperity in life. Further, it increases financial stability. Kuber mudra is also known as money mudra.
Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem:
By Regular practice of Kubera mudra, you can increase your self-confidence and improve your self-esteem. This mudra helps to increase positivity and optimism. It can lead to greater success and prosperity in your life.
Promotes Physical and Mental Relaxation:
Kubera mudra helps to calm the mind and promote relaxation in the body. It reduces stress and anxiety, and can also improve sleep quality.
Improves Focus & Concentration:
Regular practice of Kubera mudra improves focus and concentration, increases productivity and it is effective in your personal and professional life. It is a useful tool for meditation and mindfulness practices.
Boosts energy levels:
Kubera mudra increases energy levels & blood circulation and helps to manage feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.
Helps with Breathing and Sinus Issues:
Kubera mudra helps to cure Sinusitis. Practice his mudra with deep breathing. The regular practice of Kubera mudra dissolves the phlegm accumulated in the sinuses. It helps to open the blocked nostrils allowing the free flow of mucous & remove the heaviness of the head or forehead. It also helps to reduce headaches from sinusitis & running nose.

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How long to practice Kubera mudra?
Time Duration for Kubera Mudra
Practice Kubera mudra for 10 to 15 minutes at one stretch along with meditation for best results & manifestation. Normally, a hand mudra or a gesture starts showing positive results within 45-60 days if done for 45 minutes daily.
If a 45-minute sitting is too much for you, then you can divide these 45 minutes into three slots of 15 minutes each, for your convenience.
When is a good time to practice Kubera Mudra?
The best time to practice Kubera mudra is in morning and evening meditation sessions, especially after yoga, when your mind and body are relaxed.
You can also use Kubera Mudra when beginning any new projects or activities that are significant to you.
When you feel depressed or worried, practice the Kubera mudra it helps to alleviate these signs.
Precautions and Contraindications of Kubera Mudra
Arthritis or joint pain: If you have joint pain or arthritis, then Kubera mudra may put additional strain on your joints and should be avoided.
Carpal tunnel syndrome: If you are struggling with carpal tunnel syndrome, then this mudra can cause additional pressure on the median nerve and should be avoided.
Pregnancy: Pregnant women should avoid this mudra as it involves holding the hand in a certain position/ mudra for an extended time.
Wrist injury: If you have a recent wrist injury or surgery, then this mudra may cause additional strain and it should be avoided until the injury has fully healed.

When to avoid Kuber Mudra?
Kubera mudra does not have any side effects, but, it can worsen the symptoms of aggravated Vata. If you have aggravated Vata then you should be cautious with Kubera mudra.
If you have excess Vata symptoms, like dizziness, dryness, poor circulation, muscle spasms, etc then this mudra may further stimulate them. These symptoms are the result of the increase in the air and space elements.
Practicing this Mudra for long durations can worsen the symptoms of Vata imbalance by increasing the air element and the space element.

Safety guidelines of Kubera Mudra
Warm-up: As with any physical activity, it’s important to do a warm-up before practicing Kuber mudra to prevent any injury or strain. This can include gentle stretching and breathing exercises.
Avoid straining the joints: When you are practicing Kubera mudra, it’s important to avoid straining the joints, especially the wrists. If you experience discomfort or pain, stop the practice and rest or stretch the hands & fingers.
Gradual increase in duration: Gradually increase the duration of the practice over time to prevent overuse or strain.
Limitations of Kubera Mudra
Not a magic solution: Although Kuber mudra is known as money mudra, it is not a magic solution to financial problems. You should not completely rely on it for achieving financial stability. It is just one tool and practice that can help improve one’s financial situation.
Requires consistent practice: Kubera mudra requires consistent practice to see effective results. It is not a one-time solution.
Does not guarantee financial success: Kubera mudra can help promote a positive mindset and increase financial awareness, but it does not guarantee financial success. Other factors such as hard work, smart investments, and budgeting also play a role in financial stability.
Personal beliefs and attitudes also play a role: Personal beliefs and attitudes about money also play a role in one’s financial situation. Practicing Kuber mudra (Money Mudra) can help shift these beliefs, but it does not guarantee a change in financial circumstances.

Incorporating Kubera Mudra into Your Daily Practice
Try to incorporate the hand gesture into your yoga or meditation practice, or simply perform it throughout the day whenever you need a boost of energy and positivity.
Remember, the power of Kubera mudra lies in the intention and focus you bring to the gesture. So, take the time to set an intention for abundance and financial stability before you begin, and focus on this intention as you perform the hand gesture.
Incorporating kuber mudra into your daily routine is easy and requires no special equipment or preparation. Simply follow these simple steps to start reaping the benefits of this ancient hand gesture:
1. Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can sit or stand.
2. Take a few deep breaths to help clear your mind and prepare for the gesture.
3. Form the kuber mudra by pressing the tips of your thumb and index finger together.
4. Hold the gesture for 5-10 minutes while focusing on the symbolism of abundance and prosperity.
5. Repeat the gesture several times a day, or as often as you like.
By incorporating kuber mudra into your daily routine, you can unlock the many benefits of this ancient hand gesture and bring more prosperity and abundance into your life.
Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Kubera Mudra
Focus on your Intention: When practicing Kuber Mudra, it is important to have a clear intention in mind. Focus on attracting wealth and prosperity into your life, and visualize yourself surrounded by abundance and financial stability.
Practice regularly: The more you practice Kubera Mudra, the more powerful its effects will become. Make it a daily habit to practice this mudra for 10 to 15 minutes, 3 times a day.
Combine with Affirmations: Kubera mudra is also considered as a mudra for manifestation. Affirmations are powerful tools for manifestation. While practicing Kubera Mudra, repeat positive affirmations such as “I am worthy of abundance and financial stability,” or “Wealth and prosperity are constantly flowing into my life.”
Combine Mantras & Shabad with Kubera mudra: You can chant the Kubera mantra or any other Shabad while sitting in any comfortable pose with Kubera mudra. Use Kuber mudra and Kuber mantra for wealth manifestation.

Frequently Asked Questions about Kubera Mudra
What does Kubera Mudra do?
Kubera mudra is also known as wealth mudra or money mudra. It attracts wealth & prosperity in life. This mudra helps to increase positivity and optimism and calm the body and mind.
Does Kubera Mudra really work?
Kubera mudra is not a shortcut for hard work. Kuber mudra can help to promote a positive mindset and increase financial awareness, but it does not guarantee financial success. Different factors such as hard work, smart investments, and budgeting also play a role in financial stability.
Are there any side effects of Kubera Mudra?
Kubera mudra does not have any side effects, but, it can aggravate the symptoms of Vata ( dizziness, dryness, poor circulation, muscle spasms). If you have aggravated Vata then you should avoid Kubera mudra.
Can we do Kubera Mudra at night?
Yes, you can practice Kubera Mudra at night. Try to do this mudra with meditation and affirmations before sleeping to get the best results.
Which mudra is powerful for manifestation?
Kubera Mudra is said to be one of the most powerful mudras for manifestation. Kuber Mudra helps to increase self-confidence and self-esteem and increases positivity and optimism. It can lead to greater success and prosperity in your life. You can use Kuber mudra and Kuber mantra for wealth manifestation.
Is Kubera good or bad?
Kuber Mudra is neither good nor bad. It depends on how to use it. Kuber Mudra is a positive mudra, if you practice it regularly with pure intention along with meditation and hard work, smart investments.
It will help increase prosperity and success in life. But if you take it as a magic solution to financial problems, then it will be bad for you. One should not completely rely on it for achieving financial stability.
Does Kuber mantra work?
Yes, it works if you chant it with pure intention and a positive mindset.
What is Kuber mantra?
Kubera Mantra is a mantra for the Hindu god of wealth and prosperity (Kuber).
The Kuber mantra is also known as the wealth mantra and prosperity mantra.
“Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhanadhanyadhipataye. Dhanadhanyasamriddhim Me Dehi Dapaya Svaha”.
“I bow before Lord Kuber, the keeper of all the world’s wealth and the Lord of prosperity”.
How long should you stay in Kubera Mudra?
Practice Kubera mudra for 10 to 15 minutes at one stretch along with meditation for best results & manifestation. Do it three times a day. Normally, a hand mudra or a gesture starts showing positive results within 45-60 days if done for 45 minutes daily.
How does Kubera Mudra work for wealth?
The Kubera Mudra works by channeling the energy of wealth and prosperity from the universe into the practitioner. Applying Kubera mudra stimulates the root chakra (Mooladhara Chakra). This promotes a sense of stability, grounding, and security leading to a positive mindset.
By practicing Kuber mudra, you align your energy with the energy of abundance, creating a positive flow of wealth and prosperity into your life.
Are there any precautions to take while performing Kubera Mudra?
People struggling with arthritis, joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and wrist injury should avoid it. Pregnant women should avoid this mudra as it involves holding the hand in a certain position/ mudra for an extended time.
Can anyone practice Kubera Mudra?
Kubera Mudra is beneficial for everyone. You can get its miraculous benefits if you practice it regularly. But please check the precaution &contradictions of Kubera Mudra before doing it.
When can we expect results while practicing Kubera Mudra?
Kubera mudra is not a magic solution to financial problems. It is just one tool and practice that can help improve the financial situation. Kubera mudra requires consistent practice to see effective results. It is not a shortcut solution. Normally, a hand mudra or a gesture starts showing positive results within 45-60 days if done for 45 minutes daily.
Kubera mudra practitioners agree that repeated usage of this gesture significantly improves attention, a stronger feeling of purpose, and faster goal achievement.
Incorporating the Kubera Mudra into your daily life can offer you success and wealth. It also restores a sense of serenity and tranquillity by re-igniting internal energy.
So, try incorporating this mudra into your daily spiritual practice and see the results.
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About the Author: Sukhvinder Singh Chaitanya
Sukhvinder Singh (Chaitanya) is an experienced yoga teacher. (ERYT-500 & YACEP with 20,000+ hours of teaching experience) He is a master yoga teacher in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Ayurveda & Laughter Yoga. He has been teaching yoga, laughter yoga & meditation all across the globe in teacher training programs, workshops & corporate sector for almost 10 years. He's the founder and director of the Yoga Chaitanya International Institute, a leading Yoga Teacher Training school in the world. He shares his expertise in his blogs and his YouTube Channels.
6 thoughts on “Kubera Mudra the Ultimate Guide to Wealth and Prosperity”
I m a diabetic .I m doing this kuber mudra in morning within 5 n 6am for 15 daily.i recite the kuber mantra sitting on bench.i feel tired n drained of energy n sleepy.i need ur help to see if I doing it right.i m from singapore.b4 doing this mudra I do my guruji da path.t.q. ji.
Hi thank you for this blog.
Can I do apan mudra before bed in the night and Kuber mudra early morning?
Apriciate your answer please
Muy bueno el artículo. Aprendí mucho, gracias, gracias, gracias 😘
My heartfelt gratitude to you my dear yoga teacher.. You are a generous, large-hearted, kind guru.That is why you have given this very very important information .
My whole hearted thanks to you great teacher…..
May you live long to serve the innocent people .
Thank You so much