Best Guide for Tattva Yoga Mudras
Written By: Sukhvinder-chaitanya
- Published On:
- Last Updated: December 5, 2024
This is the most comprehensive guide to tattva yoga mudras ever. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about the practice and implementation of tattva yoga mudras (Mudras related to 5 elements of nature) in daily life.
By regular practice of these tattva yoga mudras, many people have healed their physical, mental and, emotional problems. These tattva yoga mudras will help you to enhance the quality of your life.
As a beginner or an advanced yoga practitioner, you may have questions or difficulties in implementing tattva yoga mudras. This ultimate guide to tattva yoga mudras will provide you in-depth knowledge of the topic. Here you will learn:
- What are Tattva Yoga Mudra?
- What are the Different types of Tattva Yoga Mudras?
- Why Tattva Yoga Mudras are important for physical & mental health?
This is the most complete guide available on the internet. Let’s dive right in…
Table of Contents
What are Tattva Yoga Mudra?
Our body is made up of five elements i.e. fire, air, water, space, and earth. If you take anyone element out then the other four elements cannot work at all.
There is a very fine balance between these five elements, and even a very small imbalance upset our health.
We can maintain this balance easily by manipulating the five fingers of our hands, each finger represents one element of nature. This is the most natural way to maintain good health. The world tattva means the element of nature.
What are the Different types of Tattva Yoga Mudras?
There are eight tattva yoga mudras, these mudras can either increase or decrease the quality of a particular element in our body and thereby restore the balance between various elements i.e. fire, air, water, space, and earth.
These eight tattva mudras can be divided into two categories.
The first category helps to remove the deficiency of a particular element associated with a particular finger. And these four tattva yoga mudras are:
- Gyan mudra works to remove the deficiency of the Air element.
- Akash mudra works to remove the deficiency of the space element.
- Prithvi mudra works to remove the deficiency of the earth element.
- Indra Mudra works to remove the deficiency of the water element.
The Second category of tattva mudras helps to remove the excessiveness of a particular element associated with a particular finger. And these four tattva yoga mudras are:
- Vayu mudra helps to remove the excess of air element from the body.
- Shunya mudra helps to remove the excess space element.
- Surya mudra helps to remove the excess earth element.
- Varun mudra helps to remove the excess water element.

Why Tattva Yoga Mudras are important for Physical & Mental Health?
Now you might be thinking that why this imbalance of elements happens in the body. The answer is very simple:
- Our food habits
- Our thinking habits
- Our behavior
- Our lifestyle
- External stress
- Our environment
Any of these factors can lead to imbalance of elements in the body which can create multiple issues in the physical & mental states. All these factors can be controlled up to an extent but not completely.
But luckily we have tattva yoga mudras for the rescue. Lets explore each of these tattva mudras.
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What is Gyan Mudra?
Gyan Mudra
Gyan mudra is the important mudra of mudra science. It is the most widely practiced mudra. Gyan mudra is also known as chin mudra.
Gyan mudra is a combination of fire and air elements. This mudra symbolizes the union of mind and brain. It is mostly used for meditation. You can see statues of Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, and other sages sitting in Gyan mudra.
As per Indian Hindu mythology, goddess Saraswati is known as the goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and learning. Therefore Gyan mudra is also known as Saraswati mudra.
How to do Gyan Mudra?
How to Practice Gyan Mudra?
Join the tip of the thumb with the tip of the index finger and keep the other three fingers straight. You can do this mudra while sitting in padmasana (lotus pose) or any cross-legged posture. Keep the back of your hand on the knee.

What are the Benefits of Gyan Mudra?
1) Activate the pineal gland, Pituitary gland, and hypothalamus of the brain. It energizes the mind and brain to increase concentration memory and intellect. It is an excellent Mudra for students, teachers, and people engaged in intellectual activity.
2) It removes negativity of mind and promotes positivity, positive thoughts. The union of mind and brain promotes emotional and intellectual balance.
3) Gyan mudra reduces anger jealousy, envy, and stress. This Mudra serves as an excellent stress buster.
4) It relieves all stress-related diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, depression, anxiety, headaches, migraine, and insomnia.
5) It removes irritability, madness, and epilepsy also.
6) Gyan mudra opens the third eye and improves intuition. It sharpens the intellectual faculties.
7) Gyan mudra can cure and remove addiction to alcohol, smoking and bad habits.
8) Gyan Mudra produces pleasant vibration in mind and brain. It produces a positive effect on the parasympathetic nervous system.
What is Vayu Mudra?
Vayu Mudra
The word “Vayu” means air and our index finger is an indicator of the air element, air symbolizes movement. When the air element gets increased in the body it affects the movement of our joints, muscles, and limbs. Vayu mudra controls the excess of the air element.
How to do Vayu Mudra?
How to Practice Vayu Mudra?
For Vayu mudra we use with the thumb and index finger but in the reverse direction of gyan mudra. Fold the index finger and place it stick at the base of the thumb. Slightly press index finger with the thumb keeping the other three fingers straight.

What are the Benefits of Vayu Mudra?
1) Vayu Mudra helps to reduce the bad effects of excess of the air element. The increase of the air element in the body affects the movement of our joints, muscles, and Limbs causing pain everywhere in the locomotor system.
2) This mudra is useful in the cure of acidity, hyperacidity, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn.
3) It regulates blood circulation in the body. All body pain occurs only due to disorders of blood circulation. Varun mudra improves the blood circulation and facilitates the flow of oxygen to all cells and organs of the body.
4) Vayu Mudra is very useful in Arteriosclerosis. Excess air in the body dries up the blood vessels and arteries and they start shrinking, getting narrower, harder and start losing their elasticity. Vayu mudra removes excess air in blood vessels muscles and saves from heart diseases.
5) This mudra helps in back pain and neck pain.
6) Vayu Mudra helps in varicose veins, which is a very painful disease of veins of legs.
What is the Time Duration for the Practice of Vayu Mudra?
At least 45 minutes a day 15 minutes each time thrice a day or more
Precautions and Contraindications for Vayu Mudra
Who should not do Vayu Mudra?
When you are relieved from the disease or ailment, kindly stop practicing Vayu Mudra. If you will keep on doing Vayu mudra after getting cured then it can affect the Air Balance in the body.
What is Akash Mudra?
Akash Mudra
The word “Akash” means sky or space. It corresponds to the space element represented by our middle finger. Akash mudra is a combination of the space element and the fire element.
How to do Akash Mudra?
How to Practice Akash Mudra?
Join the tips of middle finger and thumb together to form Akash mudra, keep the other three fingers straight. Akash mudra is a combination of the space element (Middle finger) and the fire element (Thumb).

What are the Benefits of Akash Mudra?
1) Akash mudra removes all hearing difficulties. It improves and strengthens the hearing ability.
2) It helps in removing all ear problems such as ear discharges, tinnitus, and deafness.
Tinnitus is a problem in which you hear ringing or buzzing noise in one or both ears. This noise can be constant or occasional.
3) Our middle finger is related to the heart. Practice Akash mudra to removes problems of heart, such as blood pressure, heart diseases.
4) It removes calcium deficiency and thus strengthens bones. Akash mudra is a very good Mudra for osteoporosis.
5) In case of joint pains, arthritis, gout do Akash Mudra with one hand and Prithvi mudra with another hand. It is also called a joint or sandhi mudra.
6) It cures Kapha dosha i.e. phlegmatic constitution, throat problem.
7) Akash Mudra is useful for mentally and physically retarded children.
8) As we know, the practice of Akash mudra increases the Space Element. Thus the increase in the space element will create room for the other four elements to increase too. This further creates balance in the entire body.
9) The practice of Aakash Mudra removes blocked energies. It nourishes the body & keeps the energies centered.
10) The regular practice of Akash mudra makes us broad-minded at the psychological & spiritual level.
Precautions and Contraindications for Akash mudra
Who Should not do Akash mudra?
1) One should not practice Aakash Mudra while standing. Hence it is recommended to practice it in a comfortable seated posture.
2) If you are suffering from Vata dosha i.e excessive increase of Air Element in the body then you should not practice Aakash Mudra. Since the practice of Aakash Mudra will increase the space element and this will further aggravate the Vata dosha.
What is Shunya Mudra?
Shunya Mudra
Shunya mudra reduces the effect of the space element. Space denotes openness, expansion, and sound. Its opposite is shunya (Zero). The imbalance created by an excess of space elements is removed by this mudra.
How to do Shunya Mudra?
How to Practice Shunya Mudra?
To Practice Shunya mudra, fold your middle finger and place its tip at the base of the thumb. Slightly press the folded finger with thumb, keeping the other three fingers straight.

What are the Benefits of Shunya Mudra?
1) Shunya Mudra helps to remove the numbness in any part of the body. Numbness of body parts happens due to a lack of blood circulation. Lack of blood circulation happens due to excess of space element in the body.
2) In case of Tinnitus, hearing problems and ear discharge both Akash Mudra and shunya mudra are helpful. Sometimes one mudra does not help then the other works.
3) In chronic cases of deafness do shunya mudra followed by Akash Mudra for one month.
4) Shunya mudra helps to remove a common problem ear wax.
5) Shunya Mudra removes gum diseases like pyorrhoea (Bleeding Gums) as it strengthens the gums.
6) This Mudra cleans throat, cure throat as well as thyroid problems and makes our voice sweet.
7) Shunya Mudra prevents issues like motion sickness & vertigo. Motion sickness & vertigo is mainly caused due to inflammation in the inner ear. The practice of Shunya mudra stimulates nerves of the ear.
Precautions and Contraindications for Shunya Mudra
Who Should not Practice Shunya Mudra?
When you are relieved from the disease or ailment, kindly stop practicing Shunya mudra, otherwise, it can decrease the space element of the body.
What is Prithvi Mudra?
Prithvi Mudra
The ring finger associates with sun solar energy and Earth energy. By joining it with the thumb it increases this energy. The earth element signifies stability and strength. The ring finger is the center of vitality and it radiates this energy all the time.
How to do Prithvi Mudra?
How to Practice Prithvi Mudra?
To make Prithvi mudras join the tips of ring fingers with the thumb. Make sure you keep the other three fingers straight. Do it 45 minutes a day.

What are the Benefits of Prithvi Mudra?
1) It strengthens bones and muscles. This mudra is also useful for increasing weight.
2) Prithvi mudra removes vitamin deficiency and increase our energy and produce a glow on the face.
3) It increases vital forces and makes our body strong and muscular. It is an excellent Mudra for weak and growing children. It will increase the strength and help in increasing weight as well as height.
4) It increases agility, energy and glow.
5) Prithvi mudra produces and enthusiasm and gives a sense of internal happiness. It makes us broad-minded, purifies our thoughts and intensifies our desire to reach the desired goals.
6) This mudra energizes our internal energy flows. It removes narrowness, rigidity and paves way for spiritual enhancement.
7) Prithvi mudra increases mental strength and efficiency.
8) Regular practice of Prithvi mudra we can alter and modify our thought process, remove narrow and negative thought. It also enhances positive thinking and positive virtues.
9) This Mudra is capable of producing magical effects on our body and mind. It gives enthusiasm, agility, bliss and creates spiritual awakening.
10) Prithvi mudra improves digestion and makes you strong and healthy.
11) Prithvi mudra is an excellent mudra for hair growth. It is highly beneficial in the early stages of hair loss. The regular practice of Prithvi Mudra enhances blood circulation in the scalp and allows follicles to retain nourishment.
As per Ayurveda the main reason for hair loss is increased pitta level i.e. increased level of fire or heat. Prithvi Mudra helps to decrease the fire element or excessive pitta by increasing the earth element.
Please note in the advanced stages of hair loss Prithvi Mudra will not be effective because the root of the hair could be too damaged or inactive. For advanced hair loss, you should go for medical treatments or consultations for hair growth.
Who should not Practice Prithvi mudra?
Precautions and Contraindications for Prithvi mudra
1) Pregnant women should take care while practicing Prithvi Mudra since their body very sensitive. Prithvi mudra brings balance in the body, but during the pregnancy phase, the balance of energies shift toward the growth of the fetus. So too much shift of energy balance towards the body is not recommended.
2) If you are overweight or over muscular then you should be cautious with Prithvi Mudra.
What is Surya Mudra?
Surya Mudra
Surya (Sun) is the opposite of earth. Earth is down below and the sun is high in the sky, giving us heat energy. Surya Mudra provides heat to the body as the sun provides heat to the earth.
How to do Surya Mudra?
How to Practice Surya Mudra?
To Practice Surya mudra, fold your ring finger and place its tip at the base of the thumb. Slightly press the folded finger with thumb, keeping the other three fingers straight.

What are the Benefits Surya Mudra?
1) It produces heat in the body and generate energy and increases vitality
2) Surya Mudra is very useful for those persons who always feel cold, whose hands, feet and body are always cold to touch.
3) It reduces obesity and the heaviness of the body and reduces weight.
4) This Mudra cures all those diseases which occur due to obesity such as diabetes, high blood pressure, constipation.
5) It controls urea in blood and cures all liver diseases.
6) It helps reduce LDL bad cholesterol in the blood. This Mudra also improves the metabolic rate of the body.
7) Surya Mudra increases heat in the body, therefore it cures cough, asthma, common cold, pneumonia.
8) Surya Mudra cure thyroid disorder. The thyroid gland pressure point is present at the base of the thumb. When the ring finger presses the pressure point, it activates the thyroid gland, and produces more thyroid hormones and cures hypothyroidism.
9) Surya Mudra improves eyesight and it helps to cure cataract.
10) This Mudra is very effective in curing headaches, caused due to cold or tension.
Precautions and contraindications for Surya Mudra
Who should not practice Surya Mudra?
- Surya Mudra generates heat in the body, therefore one should not practice it for a long time in Summer Heat.
- Do not practice this mudra more than 15 minutes at a time.
- Do not do it while walking.
What is Indra Mudra?
Indra Mudra
As per the yogic literature, Indra mudra is also known as Bhudhi mudra. The little finger represents the water element in the body. Our body contains 70 to 80% of water. This mudra helps to maintain water balance in the body.
How to do Indra Mudra?
How to Practice Indra Mudra?
Join the tips of little finger and thumb together to form Indra mudra, keep the other three fingers straight.

What are the Benefits of Indra Mudra?
1) Indra Mudra provides a natural glow to the face and the body. It keeps our skin soft and wrinkle-free. This Mudra gives us a youthful look.
2) It also cures skin problems such as eczema, dry skin.
3) This Mudra will cure dryness of skin and also remove itching which is so common in winter.
4) This Mudra is very effective in dehydration, it also helps in diarrhoea.
5) Indira Mudra helps in urinary and kidney diseases (When a patient is passing urine repeatedly).
6) It helps in the case of the burning of eyes or dryness of eyes.
7) Practice Indra mudra in case of acidity and heartburn.
8) This mudra is helpful in skin troubles like boils, acne.
9) The deficiency of water in the body leads to muscular cramps. Practice Indra mudra immediately on getting a cramp and save yourself from muscular pain as it increases the elasticity of muscles.
Precautions and contraindications for Indra Mudra
Who should not Practice Indra Mudra?
Do not practice Indra mudra in case of cold, cough, sneezing, running nose, or watery eyes. All these issues happen due to excess water element in the body therefore practice of Indra mudra will aggravate the problems.
What is the Time Duration for the practice of Indra Mudra?
You can practice Indra mudra 15 minutes thrice a day.
What is Varun Mudra?
Varun Mudra
As per the yogic literature, Varun mudra is also known as Jalodar mudra. The word Jalodar means the accumulation of excess water in the body. This mudra helps when any part of the body is filled with excess water.
How to do Varun Mudra?
How to Practice Varun Mudra?
Fold your little finger and place its tip at the base of the thumb. Slightly press the folded finger with thumb, keep the other three fingers straight.

What are the Benefits of Varun Mudra?
1) Varun Mudra cures dropsy, i.e. accumulation of water in the stomach.
2) It cures pleurisy, i.e. accumulation of water in the lungs.
3) This Mudra will cure swollen body parts.
4) Varun Mudra helps to cure a common cold involving running nose or watery eyes.
Precautions and contraindications for Varun Mudra
Who Should not Practice Varun Mudra?
When you are relieved from the disease or ailment, kindly stop practicing Varun Mudra. If you keep on practicing Varun Mudra then it can disturb the water balance in the body.
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About the Author: Sukhvinder Singh Chaitanya
Sukhvinder Singh (Chaitanya) is an experienced yoga teacher. (ERYT-500 & YACEP with 20,000+ hours of teaching experience) He is a master yoga teacher in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Ayurveda & Laughter Yoga. He has been teaching yoga, laughter yoga & meditation all across the globe in teacher training programs, workshops & corporate sector for almost 10 years. He's the founder and director of the Yoga Chaitanya International Institute, a leading Yoga Teacher Training school in the world. He shares his expertise in his blogs and his YouTube Channels.
1 thought on “Best Guide for Tattva Yoga Mudras”
Hey, Sukhvinder, the beginning hooked really me. You know how to grab a reader’s attention. I didn’t know much about this, but you made it so interesting. You nailed the ending. It was so satisfying.